Different tests of bricks or bricks

Different tests of bricks or bricks
Different tests of bricks or bricks

Good quality goods are needed for good work. The use of bricks for construction work is widespread. So it is important to know the characteristics of the good brick. Likewise, you need something about the brick test. Today I will talk about some of the limitations of my knowledge
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1. Crushing Strength: It is used to determine the compression strength of a brick. Five bricks are taken as samples for this. Then, with a crashing machine, the pressure is applied through the machine. The force needed to break the brick. That ball is recorded. This way the strength of the five bricks is tested. After this, the average of the compressible strength of these five bricks is taken, and the average value is the compressible strength of the brick.
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2. Fluorescence Test: The amount of alkali or salt is tested by. Salt is very harmful to the construction work. With water from the humidity of the air, the salt comes out of the brick. Its surface or surface becomes white. For this test, some bricks are submerged in water for 24 hours. Then the brick has to be dried in the shade. After drying, if the white floats on the floor of the brick, you will know that there is salt. That brick can be used if up to 10% of the floor is white. If it is more then it is better not to use it.
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3. Water Absorption: It is also important to know how much water the brick absorbs. It is not good if you absorb too much water. For this, the weight of dry brick is taken first. The brick is then submerged in water for 24 hours. After lifting the brick from the leaf, the surface should be well wiped with a cloth. Subtracting the dry brick weight from the weight of the wet brick will allow you to find the weight of the absorbed brick. The weight of the absorbed water and the weight of the dry brick shall not exceed 0.20. That is, up to 20% of the brick sheeting capacity is acceptable.
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4. Hardness test: If it is not possible to apply a simple ball with nails or something a little harder, then it is better to understand it.
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5. Sound or sound: You have to knock two bricks into it. If the sound is talk-talk or pungent, then the quality of the brick is considered good. And if the sound app gives the sound of different tests of bricks or bricks
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Good quality goods are needed for good work. The use of bricks for construction work is widespread. So it is important to know the characteristics of the good brick. Likewise, you need something about the brick test. Today I will talk about some of the limitations of my knowledge.


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