Some structural ideas needed by a site engineer Keep sharing.

Some structural ideas needed by a site engineer
Keep sharing.

A Site Engineer has a lot of structural ideas. Likewise, some of the structural issues were shared. If you have an opinion on a piece of information you can share in the comments.

Shear Key in Column:

The shear key is kept at the construction joint (especially in the column) for two main reasons
Shear Resistance of 3 Column to Increase Capacity
Displacement within the Adjacent Segment of the 4 columns to minimize the risk.

✅Shear Key is usually kept at a depth of 2 "to 4", so keep in mind that the hole is well # cleared before the next molding.

✅ It would be best if the hole is covered with polythene the next day after welding so that it can be easily removed.

Column Casting Height:

In many cases, the contractor is casting a Full Height Column to finish the job in a timely manner, which is not a requirement at all. In this case, you must cast columns in two or more elevators, which can happen if you do not
✅ Void or honeycomb columns caused by segregation, lettuce, or bleeding can make the column fragile and weak.
✅ Vertical displacement or Shutter failure.
There may be a variety of issues with Crack due to the variations of the Clear Cover.

 As a site engineer, you should never allow vertical 1.5 meters or 5 feet Column or Wall Casting.

Ping Lapping & Spacer:

In the case of lapping, which is to keep in mind

La Lapping is generally 24D to 44D in the compression zone and 30D to 50D in tension.
Bad: Here are the sizes mentioned without the hook and with the hook, and different consultants follow different codes for the lap, but according to Indian consultants 50D can be given for both zones.

✅ Be careful not to overlap 50% of the rods in one column or beam in one place.

Leaping zone of 1 column: Lap should be given between L / 2 or Middle Portion, this zone should be avoided as maximum stress is generated inside L / 4.

7 Beam Top Bar Laping: It will be in the middle third span or mid-third, as this zone does not have a Negative Moment.

3 Beam Bottom Bar Laping: One-Third Span must be either one third or between L / 3, as this Zone does not contain Positive Moment.

✅ The spacer bar Dias will be 25mm [For Beam], 12mm [For Slab] and the spacing will be a maximum of 30 ”c / c. In the case of the beam, be sure that the gap between the main bar and the extra bar should not exceed 5 ".

Am Beam-Column Joint:
Almost all consultants suggest taking the beam rod through the column's Vertical rod. In fact, it is not possible to assume that the clear cover of the beam and column are the same, in most cases, the rod on one side of the beam is taken outside the column and the other inside.

What must be done at the beam-column joint
At least two Stirrups should be provided in the column in this part of the joint.
The first beam of the first beam should start at half the spacing distance or 2 "from the column face.
Cast Casting of this section must be made according to the design strength of the column concrete, the grade of the column casting must be maintained and other parts shall be in accordance with the grade of roofing concrete, otherwise, this section will be weak.

BD: Although many people talk about beam rod restraint by widening the beam rod to the middle of the column to widen the middle of the column strip a bit, which is not really a design, as the beam/column/ roof rod is recommended for load transfer.

J Construction Joint:

For various reasons, we have to place the roof or beam construction joint, it is often seen that we end up casting the roof along the edge of the beam or casting the beam in the face or column of the column, which is not necessary at all.

Some Important Information on Having a Construction Joint
 It must be placed in 2L / 3 or Middle third of span or middle third of span distance as Shear Stress is low in this zone should never be placed in L / 3 distance.
It is advisable to keep the beam or roof straight or vertical without leaving the joints in the slope, but it is better to keep the grove for the Shear Key.
☑ Must ensure clear cover and lapping length of the rod.
☑ This area has the highest likelihood of water leakage, so be careful about using Vibrating & Water Proofing Admixture.

Hooks & Stirrup:

There is no hook option for building earthquake-friendly buildings; development length must be ensured in case of the construction of a stirrup or Tie ring and in the case of L bend or beam of beam rod.

Keep that goal in mind

The beams or columns must be hooked to 135-degree angle strips, the length of the hook will be 3D-6D [D means dia of Rebar], but not less than 2 ".
The length of 90 Degree Matam or L Bend of the beam rod will be 12D [where D means Dia of the bar].

Ro-ro Groove Cutting in Column:

In many places, door frames are fitted with grooves cut on one side or both sides of the column, which is very damaging to the compression member column.
✅ Suggestions, In this case, you can frame two ways;
You can apply a full brick knob with 3 columns.
You can clamp the frame with a column by drilling it with a clamp.


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