Concrete Mix Design

Concrete Mix Design The main components of concrete include cement, sand and stone. And the water and the adjectors are helpful to them. Cement is the bonding agent in the language of engineering. Bali is fine aggregate and stone is of course aggregate. Reacting with water cement, cement + sand + stone has a thickness of element. The whole material becomes solid like stones. But are they like mixing ?? Does not go. Concrete power depends on the ratio of cement, sand, stone, water, and adimator. We speak cement: sand: stone in general language. Such as 1: 2: 3 or 1: 1.5: 3 or 1: 2: 4. But this ratio is not everything. Cement-water ratio is an important issue. The mixture of different size stones in the stone is also very important. For example, if all the stones are 20 mile size, then it will not be good. The smaller size should be smaller than the middle of the stone. That's why a word is associated with stone size. It is "down grade". That means smaller stones than this...