General Consideration

General Consideration

Any material which has got application in engineering constructions is termed engineering material. In all branches of engineering, and understanding of nature of engineering materials is becoming increasingly vital. Not only are requirements for materials for engineering applications growing more complex, but there are more materials to choose from every day. The engineer can longer be satisfied with a superficial knowledge of a fees standard properties of a few commonly used materials. So many variation in properties are available that the behavior of materials. This understanding can be developed only through a knowledge of properties of materials. A bridge or a dam or a building or a road is to be built, and the choice of materials is up with the engineer, shall steel or concrete be selected, or are there newer materials that might prove superior? The choice must be based on several factors; availability of materials ,economy ease of handling and fabrication, durability and workability. 

A civil engineer engaged in the task of planning, design and construction of building bridge, dams, roads, water purification plants, sewage treatment plans, airfields, or any other structure, should be thoroughly familiar with the desired engineering materials and their properties. Every engineering construction must be sufficiently strong and durable to resist the action of external forces and internal stresses due to various types of lodes. In order to achieve maximum economy, the engineer must know the strength characteristics of the materials and the permissible stresses in each case. A structure  must be a harmonious blend of beauty strength  utility and economy. To achieve  this, specification for an engineering materials must  be laid down. 

A specification for an engineering material supplies a set of statements of requirements which the material should conform to in order to be acceptable for use in structure. In all engineering constructions it is imperative in the interest of the safety and the durability of the structure that only materials of the acceptable quality and strength be used. Therefore, the engineer and other related personnel must  have to acquaint themselves thoroughly with the functions and qualities of engineering  materials, because upon the quality of engineering materials, depends the quality of structures. The quality control of all engineering materials is of prime  importance  the quality of engineering constitutions as a whole.


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