Different tests of bricks or bricks

Different tests of bricks or bricks Different tests of bricks or bricks Good quality goods are needed for good work. The use of bricks for construction work is widespread. So it is important to know the characteristics of the good brick. Likewise, you need something about the brick test. Today I will talk about some of the limitations of my knowledge General Chat Chat Lounge 1. Crushing Strength: It is used to determine the compression strength of a brick. Five bricks are taken as samples for this. Then, with a crashing machine, the pressure is applied through the machine. The force needed to break the brick. That ball is recorded. This way the strength of the five bricks is tested. After this, the average of the compressible strength of these five bricks is taken, and the average value is the compressible strength of the brick. General Chat Chat Lounge 2. Fluorescence Test: The amount of alkali or salt is tested by. Salt is very harmful to the construction work. With water from the hu...